My Race for Life Manchester – Angela Doran
2014 July 13
Created by Angela doran 10 years ago
R.I.P – Elvira Skierka – born 1st November 1934 in Italy – died 23rd February 2014 at Bury Hospice
My Race for Life Manchester – Angela Doran - 8162441
I completed my ‘Race for Life’ on the 13th July 2014, I was very happy to say as I was fearful that I would not succeed!
As it turned out even though I did not have the time to do any training prior to the race and have never raced in the whole of my adult life, and only armed with a Mars Bar that I purchased at a petrol station on route, I completed the course in 48 minutes with tears in eyes with thoughts of my own mother’s anguish!
I received overwhelming support from my colleagues and friends and family, I had an extremely difficult time at the start of the year losing my mother in late February after being diagnosed in early January to ‘The Bug’ as she named it, she fought with dignity to the very end from Gall Bladder cancer which is rare form of the cancer, doing the race for me was part of the healing process and it was an amazing day people coming together as a great big team fighting on the same side.
A Big Thank to my husband who supported me throughout the day! Also, my daughter Francesca and son in law Georgie even my sister Eva’s family in Hong Kong as they all gave me confidence to believe I could it.
Race for Life